Happy Canada Day!

We’ve been enjoying our Canada Day long weekend at the farm. Our new pool is pretty much done, although the weather hasn’t been as hot as it was during the week, so swimming has been a bit chilly. Doesn’t stop us from going in, though!

I’ve definitely noticed an increase in the fatigue this weekend, which I’m hoping is a pregnancy symptom, rather than just general tiredness. My boobs have also been quite sore (not just “tender”) and I’ve had the odd wave of nausea – mainly when I’m hungry. I know this sounds a bit crazy to anyone who is suffering from morning sickness, but I kind of wish I would start barfing my brains out. I had lots of nausea with Littleman’s pregnancy, but absolutely nothing last time. More on that another day…

Anyway, to all those Canadians out there, Happy Canada Day!!


Happy Long Weekend!

I love long weekends.  Here in Canada, we’re celebrating our first long weekend of the “summer” and it feels so good.  Who invented the five-day work week anyway?  Four days is much more civilized.

The one bright side of our friend’s wedding being called off is that we got to go to the farm.  After work on Friday, we joined the millions of other Torontonians escaping the city for the Victoria Day weekend.  Our drive took an extra hour, but we didn’t care.  The weather was beautiful and we had a whole weekend ahead of us.

When we arrived at the farm, seven more horses were being dropped off for the summer.  The local farmer who uses our land had brought two of his horses to graze a week before.  Now there were nine in total.

This next part may make me sound like a crazy person.

So, last summer we had four of the horses.  Three of the four were pregnant.  At the time, we were trying to conceive.  On Friday night, the same horses returned with their three babies.


The newest arrivals at our farm.

I know I’ve complained about being jealous of other pregnant people.  And about being worried about potential pregnancy announcements.  But I think I’ve crossed the crazy line with being jealous of horses with babies!

I guess it’s not that I’m jealous per se, it’s more that it reminds me of what I would have if we had succeeded in getting pregnant when we wanted to last summer.  Or of what we would almost have if I hadn’t miscarried.

Luckily, it’s been a busy weekend so there’s a lot to distract me from my own craziness!

One of my favourite discoveries when we took possession of the farm last summer was the vegetable garden.  The previous owners had planted it, so when we arrived in August, all we had to do was pick and eat!  This year, we’re going to attempt to plant it ourselves.  D has a friend who is a pumpkin farmer, so D decided he wants to try growing some pumpkins.  We’ll try a handful of other vegetables too.

To prepare, D tilled the garden while Littleman and I helped out. We plan to start planting next weekend.  I can’t wait to see how it goes!  It was so great to pick fresh sun-warmed tomatoes for homemade bruschetta.  Or butternut squash for our Thanksgiving dinner.  Yum!

photo 2

The vegetable garden.


photo 3

The helper.

To all you Canadians out there, hope you’re having a wonderful long weekend!