Life lessons: sun protection

As I slathered on my SPF 60 yesterday before heading outside for some time at the pool, I realized that I’ve finally accepted that my skin is pale.  

Growing up, sun care was not the same as it is today. My sister and I are pretty fair-skinned (thanks to our Irish-Canadian mother who’s genes managed to dominate over those of our Italian dad). I remember my mom cracking out the SPF 8 “sun tan lotion” and sometimes, if we were getting really red, we’d have to use 15. Can you even buy 8 anymore?  Does it actually help?

Anyway, as I got older, I knew I needed to take better care of my skin – and I new how painful sunburns could be. But I still loved the feeling of being in the sun and felt so much better about myself when I had a great tan. 

Now that I’m a mom, I’ve finally accepted that it just isn’t worth it. Already, I can see the damage that’s been done to my skin – the fine lines and freckles. I hope that my kids will grow up knowing that their skin is beautiful just the way it is. I hope that they understand how important it is that they protect themselves from the harmful effects of the sun. 

 Just yesterday, Littleman looked outside and spotted my dad on the tractor, cutting the lawn with no shirt on. He announced to my mom, “Nana! Nonno is outside with none shirt and none sunscreen!”

I think he’s getting the message. 

2 thoughts on “Life lessons: sun protection

  1. Totally – I had the worse sunburns as a kid, and then kept thinking I might magically tan as a teen and young adult, and boy, WTF was I thinking. I am so paying for it now. I definitely put a lot of (natural – for what it’s worth) sunscreen on the kiddos, but then I think that some vitamin D is good as well, so what’s a mama to do?

  2. I never had really bad sunburn as a kid but man I tell ya at 37 I can totally tell now I have lived in bloody Australia my whole life. Even wearing SPF15 on my face every day from 17 years of age!!

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